I love a blue dog

The first post on the new version of my blog… oh the pressure! Looks like I’m going to have to treat it like a band-aid. Just rip it off… and POST!

I’m going to start with something that just plain makes me happy – my dog, Zoey.  She’s a blue standard poodle and I adore her. Period. Exclamation Point. Period.

To my dear husband, if you are reading this — no, I do not love Zoey more than you 🙂  (Oh sure, she always listens to me — even when “the game” is on and is always quick to cuddle even if she might not be “in the mood”  and she is A L W A Y S happy to see me… but you’re my one and only dear hubs)

In addition to Zoey, we have our own furry collection of tiny ninjas. Yep, 7 outdoor cats — in Wyoming, I don’t think that’s all that abnormal and certainly does not qualify me as a Crazy Cat Lady – it’s all in the geography people.

All our furry ninjas are spayed or neutered (much to their dismay) and the hubs just got done building them an awesome CAT HOUSE. Yep, we even put a red light in it. Might as well go all the way. More on the furry ninja condo construction coming up!

Our cats are Duch & Peanut (left neighbors to live with us), Madison aka Maddy-boo-boo (got her as a kitten from neighbors), Sunny & Wiley just showed up and Obie came home with me from the shelter (really honey – he just followed me home) and our newest addition, Rocko. I’m sure Rocko thinks he is actually a dog maybe because he was told he was going to come live with a dog since he was born – so he figured he had better get in character. He’s not quite a year old yet and we got him so Zoey would have someone to play with — she got more than she bargained for.  His name actually means “Battle Cry” and his name is SPOT ON.

Alright. Got that out of my system now (broke the seal… got this train rolling… ) I can start posting some more productive things on my blog! Check back soon!


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