Big Cupcake with Creepy & Cute Animals

Our grandson’s 2nd birthday. This cake was put together in a bit of a hurry because we had to travel and it was late, but the kids loved it.  My dad and I made the fondant animals a few days before not knowing for sure how they would go over and everyone was “calling” their animals so it worked out well. Apparently, our grandson likes fondant better than cake or icing (we witnessed this last  year with the Lion cake too) so next year I’m making him a cake but his part will just be some big fondant animal since that’s the only part he’s interested in anyway. We trucked these animals all over Yellowstone on our way to the party and not one of them broke!  Thank you bubble wrap!

The animals started out to be cute an cuddly – in my head anyway… but took a turn. The kids didn’t even seem to mind! 😉 We had a murky depths fang fish with deep set crystal eyes, cute whale blowing water, yellow & black salamander, long neck dino eating, flying bug-eyed frog and hissing snake.

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