month : 10/2010 3 results

Pumpkin Carving/Sculpting 02 – Tree Brain

Meet Tree Brain - you'd think in all the time it took to carve him I could have come up with a better name! ha.  - Pumpkin carving attempt #2 - 42.5 pound Dill Atlantic Pumpkin. See Big-Eyed-Boo Pumpkin #1

Pumpkin Carving/Sculpting 01 – Big Eyed Boo!

Well, I made an attempt to grow to GIANT pumpkins this year... and well, let's just say they didn't make it to GIANT status but they were heavy... or maybe I was just tired! *L*  One was 42.5 pounds and the other was 26.5 pounds... not huge by any  means, but they are my first, so I love them.   Because I have talked to these pumpkins all summer & fall (to encourage growth I suppose - or just because they were good listeners)  I decided to try my hand at sculpting since they were so ...

New sweets on the way this fall!

We're doing two cancer "bake sale" type fundraisers this fall for my 2-year old granddaughter who has liver cancer. 100% of our profits will go to Mazie's family ( We've done quite a bit of fundraising this summer and now it's time for BAKING FUN!!  woo hoo. I absolutely can't wait!   I have so many recipes to pick from it's really hard to narrow them down!  For sure, we will be at the Kappa Kraft Fair in Powell, WY on Sat. Nov. 27th at the fairgrounds and if we ...